Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
EmpressofBiZ: Biz Tips...Pricing facts or Feelings?
JoAnn (Found on LinkedIn Today)bizjournals.comYour sales have tripled, but your profit has not. You have made adjustments, invested in equipment, hired staff and improved efficiency, and yet the bottom line remains flat. (See more articles »)
Saturday, January 26, 2013
EmpressofBiz, Biz Tips 10 Tips on Love & Business
Love & Business...Do they go a horse and carriage or like oil and water?
Soon it will be February..cold, snowy and windy and still the month of love.Where cupid aims his bow and zing everything is wonderful. Once in Love, many couples start to think it would be "fun" and a great way to be together if they start a business...Good Idea..Or Not?
It can be wonderful IF there is a great deal of planning, talking and a willingness to compromise.
No doubt about is tough being in a relationship and business. I am writing on the subject "Love and Business...because so many of my clients recently, have run into difficult and tough times in their business and have had to find a way to change or lose the relationship or business or both.
Below are some tips for building a successful relationship and business.
1. Ego's have to be put aside or the relationship will be rocky and floundered.
2. Couples need to bring a willingness to just let go of being right and find a way to solve a problem and not blame one another.
3. Mutual respect is essential in the business.
4. Financial arrangements must be clear and in writing.
5. Legal agreements must be in place. None of this "if you love me you will trust me" bit. Women need to be especially aware of this scenario.
6. A business plan that has input from both partners needs to be written.
7. Insurance that protects both parties needs to be in place.
8. A commitment to personal time made and kept.
9. Share success and make sure you are always mentioning the other partner for their contribution.
10. Keep laughter and fun ALIVE in the relationship...and that makes it a success no matter what!EmpressofBiz,Biz Tips Love & Business
For guidance in building a successful business and a relationship give S. I. Business Associates a call at 412-440-6969. We have been guiding small businesses to success for over 30 years.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
FIVE STUPID Business Mistakes
Great conversation with Alice Williams of WEEE and Joanne Quinn Smith aka 'Techno Granny" as they shared on my show the Empress of Biz on "The Good, The Bad and the Stupid Mistakes" small biz owners make. Listed below are some of our "favorites" . ...
I really should not have done that!
1. CHECK YOUR INSURANCE POLICY! If you are a home based business PLEASE check your insurance may not be covered for your home office or if your vheicles, equipment, tools and etc are stored on the property. One client of mine had a fire in her office and had over $35k worth of damage and the insurance would not cover it. Yes it may cost you a few extra bucks...compared to a loss of thousands of dollars...minor costs.
2. NO PLAN TO PAY YOURSELF! Save money, I won't take a paycheck I will help the business...I can manage without it. Right? WRONG!! You MUST have a reasonable salary for you in your overhead (fixed costs) to have an accurate idea of what it costs to be in business and set the right price for your product or service. Think..what you would have to pay someone to do your job. Most often a great deal more than you now make.
3. BORROWING MONEY from FAMILY. This is "touchy". Your Dad believes in you, your brother has some cash to throw in to your business...Mom has money to invest...what do you do? You have written agreements on the money invested or loaned to your business, how you will pay it back, interest, time period and etc. And most of all you clarify the role they will have in your business. Sometimes when family lends you money they automatically think they can tell you what to do. If you do not want your sister in your have to clear that up front.
4. Using Credit Cards to Finance your Business. Your impatient, you want that computer now, that jigsaw, that power point, that truck and you do not want to have to wait. So what the hay...I will just put it on my credit card and pay it off within a few months. That kind of thinking can quickly get you into trouble. Banks do not like and will not re-fiance credit card debt. The interest is often exorbitant and miss one payment and you are quickly into a situation that can spiral out of control.
5. Hiring Family members. This can be good for the business IF your brother is the person you would hire anyway...if NOT..then don't. Taking in friends and family without them being an asset to the business is a STUPID and a DANGEROUS MISTAKE.
Want to avoid the above and other "stupid" mistakes...put your ego aside..give us a call at 412-440-6969. Don't worry we have done "alot of stupid things"...and we are here to help you grow.
412-440-6969 ask for JoAnn aka "Empressof Biz"

1. CHECK YOUR INSURANCE POLICY! If you are a home based business PLEASE check your insurance may not be covered for your home office or if your vheicles, equipment, tools and etc are stored on the property. One client of mine had a fire in her office and had over $35k worth of damage and the insurance would not cover it. Yes it may cost you a few extra bucks...compared to a loss of thousands of dollars...minor costs.
2. NO PLAN TO PAY YOURSELF! Save money, I won't take a paycheck I will help the business...I can manage without it. Right? WRONG!! You MUST have a reasonable salary for you in your overhead (fixed costs) to have an accurate idea of what it costs to be in business and set the right price for your product or service. Think..what you would have to pay someone to do your job. Most often a great deal more than you now make.
3. BORROWING MONEY from FAMILY. This is "touchy". Your Dad believes in you, your brother has some cash to throw in to your business...Mom has money to invest...what do you do? You have written agreements on the money invested or loaned to your business, how you will pay it back, interest, time period and etc. And most of all you clarify the role they will have in your business. Sometimes when family lends you money they automatically think they can tell you what to do. If you do not want your sister in your have to clear that up front.
4. Using Credit Cards to Finance your Business. Your impatient, you want that computer now, that jigsaw, that power point, that truck and you do not want to have to wait. So what the hay...I will just put it on my credit card and pay it off within a few months. That kind of thinking can quickly get you into trouble. Banks do not like and will not re-fiance credit card debt. The interest is often exorbitant and miss one payment and you are quickly into a situation that can spiral out of control.
5. Hiring Family members. This can be good for the business IF your brother is the person you would hire anyway...if NOT..then don't. Taking in friends and family without them being an asset to the business is a STUPID and a DANGEROUS MISTAKE.
Want to avoid the above and other "stupid" mistakes...put your ego aside..give us a call at 412-440-6969. Don't worry we have done "alot of stupid things"...and we are here to help you grow.
412-440-6969 ask for JoAnn aka "Empressof Biz"
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
EMPRESS OF BIZ!: The Good! The Bad and The STUPID tricks of Biz Owners
EMPRESS OF BIZ! Reinvent in Rugged Times - Live & Recorded Episodes:
Empress of Biz and Alice Williams of WEEE discuss the Good, the BAD and STUPID things biz owners do in the course of their business lives. Surviving and prospering in business means you are willing to learn...if you are not...then you will fail soon or later.
So folks put your ego away and take the time to see if what you are doing is GOOD, BAD or STUPID!
Listen in and learn and prosper from our combined wisdom of 50 plus years in business.
Empress of Biz and Alice Williams of WEEE discuss the Good, the BAD and STUPID things biz owners do in the course of their business lives. Surviving and prospering in business means you are willing to learn...if you are not...then you will fail soon or later.
So folks put your ego away and take the time to see if what you are doing is GOOD, BAD or STUPID!
Listen in and learn and prosper from our combined wisdom of 50 plus years in business.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Empress of Biz Interviews Award Winning Journalist Diane Daniels
Great interview with Diane Daniels, award winning journalist, business owner and community advocate. Listen, Learn and Prosper with the Empress of Biz. Recently Diane Daniels was awarded the 2012 Keystone State Press Award from the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association and the Pittsburgh Black Media Federation Robert L. Vann Award. Congratulations Diane..well deserved awards.
01-17-2013 09:00:09
01-17-2013 09:00:09
EMPRESS OF BIZ! Reinvent in Rugged Times, JoAnn Forrester
EMPRESS OF BIZ! Guest Diane Daniels Award Winning Reporter
Join me as we turn the tables and interview an award winning reporter and entrepreneur, Diane I. Daniels of DID & Associates, about her recent awards and recognition. Diane recently was awarded the 2012 Keystone State Press Award from the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association and ...Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Tuesday Biz TiP: Business Calling Tips
Tuesday Biz TiP. Who do you have to call to get done what you planned for the week? If their hard to catch...leave an early morning message..before 8am...and leave an after 5 message. Give the times you are available...and thank them ahead of time for calling back!
Also Old tip...but still works. Be nice to the people who work around the person you want to make an impression and get an appointment.. They can get you into the DOOR or BLOCK IT!
Anyway's just being for them and you!
Also Old tip...but still works. Be nice to the people who work around the person you want to make an impression and get an appointment.. They can get you into the DOOR or BLOCK IT!
Anyway's just being for them and you!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Monday Biz TiP: Action Plan for Monday Success!
Monday Biz TiP: Let's make Monday productive! And not waste half the day getting started.
While the rest of the world is nursing their coffee and reviewing the have your action plan in place. Listed below are your ACTION STEPS ... Fill in the blanks folks.
1. What have you decided to do this week?
2. Who do you have to call?
3. What resources do you need?
4. Where do you have to go?
5. What do you have to prepare?
6. What is it going to cost you?
7. Do you have the supplies and equipment needed?
8. If not you going to solve that?
9. Whose cooperation or approval do you need?
10. What are your obstacles?
11. How are you going to overcome it .
12. And... On your Mark...Get Set...GO! You have your action plan in place...while others are complaining about Monday... your making headway.
Make the Day WORK for YOU! Instead of the Day Working You!
While the rest of the world is nursing their coffee and reviewing the have your action plan in place. Listed below are your ACTION STEPS ... Fill in the blanks folks.
1. What have you decided to do this week?
2. Who do you have to call?
3. What resources do you need?
4. Where do you have to go?
5. What do you have to prepare?
6. What is it going to cost you?
7. Do you have the supplies and equipment needed?
8. If not you going to solve that?
9. Whose cooperation or approval do you need?
10. What are your obstacles?
11. How are you going to overcome it .
12. And... On your Mark...Get Set...GO! You have your action plan in place...while others are complaining about Monday... your making headway.
Make the Day WORK for YOU! Instead of the Day Working You!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Sunday Biz TiP: Reflection, Planning & Strategy for the week!
Sunday Biz TiP: Sunday is my time for reflection. Have I accomplihsed what I set out to do this past week? Below are the questions I ask myself:
The past week...I reflect on...
1. Who do I need to thank?
2. What is left undone?
3. Why did it not get done?
4. Was it really important?
5. Is there anyone I have to apologize or make amends?
5. What did I learn?
For the upcoming week:
1. What do I need to do this week?
2. What is the timeline?
3. Who else do I need involved?
4. What resources do I have?
5. What is it going to cost me?
6. What obstacles do I need to overcome?
Sounds like a lot of really is not...when you consider the time we waste when we do not have a plan. It is also good to remind yourself what you have learned and what you want to accomplish for 2013.
Reflection...good for the business and good for the spirit.
It is up to you what kind of week you are going to have. MAKE IT A GOOD ONE!
The past week...I reflect on...
1. Who do I need to thank?
2. What is left undone?
3. Why did it not get done?
4. Was it really important?
5. Is there anyone I have to apologize or make amends?
5. What did I learn?
For the upcoming week:
1. What do I need to do this week?
2. What is the timeline?
3. Who else do I need involved?
4. What resources do I have?
5. What is it going to cost me?
6. What obstacles do I need to overcome?
Sounds like a lot of really is not...when you consider the time we waste when we do not have a plan. It is also good to remind yourself what you have learned and what you want to accomplish for 2013.
Reflection...good for the business and good for the spirit.
It is up to you what kind of week you are going to have. MAKE IT A GOOD ONE!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
FYI..2012 Economic Census Mailings Sent to U.S. Businesses to Create a Snapshot of the American Economy | Department of Commerce
To know where we are going...we have to know where we have been. Good data helps us make decisons and reasonable projections for the future.
2012 Economic Census Mailings Sent to U.S. Businesses to Create a Snapshot of the American Economy | Department of Commerce
2012 Economic Census Mailings Sent to U.S. Businesses to Create a Snapshot of the American Economy | Department of Commerce
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
EMPRESS OF BIZ! Reinvent in Rugged Times The Tax Man..Special guest John Pournaras
EMPRESS OF BIZ! Reinvent in Rugged Times - Live & Recorded Episodes:
Title: Empress of BIZ! Guest John Pournaras ..Taxes, IRS, Records & You ..Thursday January 10 9
Episode Notes: The Tax man cometh no matter what. We will interview John Pournaras accountant. We will discuss how to Start 2013 with the Right knowledge ... and what you need to know and do start and prepare for the upcoming year. John Pournarsas will be discussing Small Business Tax issues.. including:Payroll....Employer Provided Cell Phones....Expansion of WOTC (Work Opportunity Credit)....Withholding on Government Contractors...Annual Employment Return Regulations Issued... Standard Mileage Rates....Tax-free Parking for Employees....Repair Regs 100% Bonus Depreciation...Section 170 Deduction Reduced....Small Business Retirement Plans
Join us...Listen...Learn and Prosper with the knowledge of our guest John Pournaras.
Title: Empress of BIZ! Guest John Pournaras ..Taxes, IRS, Records & You ..Thursday January 10 9
Episode Notes: The Tax man cometh no matter what. We will interview John Pournaras accountant. We will discuss how to Start 2013 with the Right knowledge ... and what you need to know and do start and prepare for the upcoming year. John Pournarsas will be discussing Small Business Tax issues.. including:Payroll....Employer Provided Cell Phones....Expansion of WOTC (Work Opportunity Credit)....Withholding on Government Contractors...Annual Employment Return Regulations Issued... Standard Mileage Rates....Tax-free Parking for Employees....Repair Regs 100% Bonus Depreciation...Section 170 Deduction Reduced....Small Business Retirement Plans
Join us...Listen...Learn and Prosper with the knowledge of our guest John Pournaras.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Monday Biz Tip: Accounting...yours mine and the IRS
Accounting..the word that often sends shivers up the bravest entpreneurs spine. We know we have to do it ...but oh how we dread it and find it really BORING!
The problem we need to know what is going on in our business
1. Is there enough money coming in to pay the bills?
2. Is there enough money to pay me?
3. Is there enough money to grow my company?
Accounting gives us the answers...but often in confusing ways.
So for the next few posts we will talk about our least favorite subject...Accounting.
Did you know that there
are three kinds of accounting. They are:
Tax accounting, Cost
accounting and Your accounting.
What's the difference you ask? Simple: The goals of each.
What's the difference you ask? Simple: The goals of each.
Tax Accounting is what
you do to keep track of what you owe to various government entities. This is what most people use their accountant
Cost Accounting is what
you do to keep track of what it costs to run your business and produce your
Your Accounting...that is the numbers you keep in your head about your
business. They maybe "right on" or totally off. Keeping numbers in your head is one way
of keeping yourself and others confused...and a good way to loose your business that you have worked so hard to build up. Friday, January 4, 2013
Friday Biz tip...What's more important..LOCATION OR CREDIT?
We are use to hearing the mantra ....Location, Location Location is the answer to business success. True?..Yes and No.. What is MORE important today is CREDIT, CREDIT, CREDIT!
One of the biggest obstacles to securing financing for a business is the owner's credit score. One of the first things I do is have my client obtain their credit score and if needed we start the credit repair.
Without it a decent credit score it is very difficult to borrow money for business or personal needs. Most banks are looking for over 725 before they talk to you.
Yesterday, January 3, on the Empress of Biz we talked getting ready for 2013 from business records to credit. Below are invaluable tips from Jennifer Carr my special guest, "The Credit Mechanic".
One of the biggest obstacles to securing financing for a business is the owner's credit score. One of the first things I do is have my client obtain their credit score and if needed we start the credit repair.
Without it a decent credit score it is very difficult to borrow money for business or personal needs. Most banks are looking for over 725 before they talk to you.
Yesterday, January 3, on the Empress of Biz we talked getting ready for 2013 from business records to credit. Below are invaluable tips from Jennifer Carr my special guest, "The Credit Mechanic".
- Check Your Credit Report – Credit score repair begins with your credit report. If you haven't already, request a free copy of your credit report and check it for errors. Your credit report contains the data used to calculate your score and it may contain errors. In particular, check to make sure that there are no late payments incorrectly listed for any of your accounts and that the amounts owed for each of your open accounts is correct. If you find errors on any of your reports, dispute them with the credit bureau and reporting
- Setup Payment Reminders – Making your credit payments on time is one of the biggest contributing factors to your credit score. Some banks offer payment reminders through their online banking portals that can send you an email or text message reminding you when a payment is due. You could also consider enrolling in automatic payments through your credit card and loan providers to have payments automatically debited from your bank account, but this only makes the minimum payment on your credit cards and does not help instill a sense of money management.
- Reduce the Amount of Debt You Owe – This is easier said than done, but reducing the amount that you owe is going to be a far more satisfying achievement than improving your credit score. The first thing you need to do is stop using your credit cards. Use your credit report to make a list of all of your accounts and then go online or check recent statements to determine how much you owe on each account and what interest rate they are charging you. Come up with a payment plan that puts most of your available budget for debt payments towards the highest interest cards first, while maintaining minimum payments on your other accounts.
More Tips on How to Fix a Credit Score & Maintain Good Credit
Payment History Tips
Contributing 35% to your score calculation, this category has the greatest effect on improving your score, but past problems like missed or late payments are not easily fixed.
- Pay your bills on time.
Delinquent payments, even if only a few days late, and collections can have a major negative impact on your FICO score. - If you have missed payments, get current and stay current.
The longer you pay your bills on time after being late, the more your FICO score should increase. Older credit problems count for less, so poor credit performance won't haunt you forever. The impact of past credit problems on your FICO score fades as time passes and as recent good payment patterns show up on your credit report. And good FICO scores weigh any credit problems against the positive information that says you're managing your credit well. - Be aware that paying off a collection account will not remove it from your credit report.
It will stay on your report for seven years. - If you are having trouble making ends meet, contact your creditors or see a legitimate credit counselor.
This won't rebuild your credit score immediately, but if you can begin to manage your credit and pay on time, your score should increase over time. And seeking assistance from a credit counseling service will not hurt your FICO score.
Amounts Owed Tips
This category contributes 30% to your score's calculation and can be easier to clean up than payment history, but that requires financial discipline and understanding the tips below.
- Keep balances low on credit cards and other "revolving credit".
High outstanding debt can affect a credit score. - Pay off debt rather than moving it around.
The most effective way to improve your credit score in this area is by paying down your revolving (credit cards) debt. In fact, owing the same amount but having fewer open accounts may lower your score. - Don't close unused credit cards as a short-term strategy to raise your score.
- Don't open a number of new credit cards that you don't need, just to increase your available credit.
This approach could backfire and actually lower your credit score.
Length of Credit History Tips
- If you have been managing credit for a short time, don't open a lot of new accounts too rapidly.
New accounts will lower your average account age, which will have a larger effect on your score if you don't have a lot of other credit information. Also, rapid account buildup can look risky if you are a new credit user.
New Credit Tips
- Do your rate shopping for a given loan within a focused period of time.
FICO scores distinguish between a search for a single loan and a search for many new credit lines, in part by the length of time over which inquiries occur. - Re-establish your credit history if you have had problems.
Opening new accounts responsibly and paying them off on time will raise your credit score in the long term. - Note that it's OK to request and check your own credit report.
This won't affect your score, as long as you order your credit report directly from the credit reporting agency or through an organization authorized to provide credit reports to consumers.
Types of Credit Use Tips
- Apply for and open new credit accounts only as needed.
Don't open accounts just to have a better credit mix – it probably won't raise your credit score. - Have credit cards – but manage them responsibly.
In general, having credit cards and installment loans (and paying timely payments) will rebuild your credit score. Someone with no credit cards, for example, tends to be higher risk than someone who has managed credit cards responsibly. - Note that closing an account doesn't make it go away.
A closed account will still show up on your credit report, and may be considered by the score.
To summarize, "fixing" a credit score is more about fixing errors in your credit history (if they exist) and then following the guidelines above to maintain consistent, good credit history. Raising your score after a poor mark on your report or building credit for the first time will take patience and discipline.
EMPRESS OF BIZ! Reinvent in Rugged Times, JoAnn Forrester
EMPRESS OF BIZ! New Year! New opportunities depend upon are you ready
January is "Get Organized Month". So my first thought is "oh Joy..more to do. yet, when I take a more logical look at that..I realize my records and vital business info is in several my advice to me and you is get "us" organized and have the information we need in one ...
Need more information please give us a call at 412-440-6969. Resolve to make 2013 your best year yet!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Need room...look below your blog on remodeling
Hi all...In one of my entreprenurial lives I use to be a co-owner of a real estate development and
construction company...interesting gig...learned a great deal. I like the field..but it is a tough one and you really need to know what you are doing to do build a successful company. Anyway's hope you get some tips from the blog you can use.
Read how to get more room in your house without building an addition, Pittsburgh Perfect Flooring, …
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