Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Biz TiP: Reflection, Planning & Strategy for the week!

Sunday Biz TiP: Sunday is my time for reflection. Have I accomplihsed what I set out to do this past week? Below are the questions I ask myself:
The past week...I reflect on...
1. Who do I need to thank?
2.  What is left undone? 
3.  Why did it not get done?
4.  Was it really important? 
5.  Is there anyone I have to apologize or make amends? 
5.  What did I learn?

 For the upcoming week:
1.  What do I need to do this week?
2.  What is the timeline?
3.  Who else do I need involved?
4.  What resources do I have?
5.   What is it going to cost me?
6.  What obstacles do I need to overcome?   

 Sounds like a lot of really is not...when you consider the time we waste when we do not have a  plan.  It is also good to remind yourself  what you have learned  and what you want to accomplish for 2013.
Reflection...good for the business and good for the spirit.

It is up to you what kind of week you are going to have.  MAKE IT A GOOD ONE!

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