Saturday, January 26, 2013

EmpressofBiz, Biz Tips 10 Tips on Love & Business

Love & Business...Do they go a horse and carriage or like oil and water?

Soon it will be February..cold, snowy  and windy and still the month of love.Where cupid aims his bow and zing everything is wonderful.  Once in Love, many couples start to think it would be "fun" and a great  way to be together if they start a business...Good Idea..Or Not?
It can be wonderful IF there is a great deal of planning, talking and a willingness to compromise.
No doubt about is  tough being in a relationship and business.  I am writing on the subject "Love and Business...because so many of my clients recently,  have run into difficult and tough times in their business and have had  to find a way to change or lose the relationship or business or both.
Below are some tips for building a successful relationship and business.
1.   Ego's have to be put aside or the relationship will be rocky and floundered.
2.   Couples need  to bring a willingness to just let go of being right and find a way to solve a problem and not blame one another.
3.   Mutual respect is essential in the business.  
4.  Financial arrangements must be clear and in writing.
5.  Legal agreements must be in place.  None of this "if you love me you will trust me" bit.  Women need to be especially aware of this scenario.
6.  A business plan that has input from both partners needs to be written.  
7.  Insurance that protects both parties needs to be in place. 
8.  A commitment to personal time made and kept.
9. Share success and make sure you are always mentioning the other partner for their contribution.
10. Keep laughter and fun ALIVE in the relationship...and that makes it a success no matter what!EmpressofBiz,Biz Tips Love & Business
For guidance in building a successful business and a relationship give S. I. Business Associates a call at 412-440-6969.  We have been guiding small businesses to success for over 30 years.

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