Saturday, June 16, 2012

Weekend Biz tip. The Importance of fathers

Weekend Biz tip: Encourage your children to learn about business. With Father's Day tomorrow I got to thinking how my Dad encouraged my ENTREPRENEURIAL spirit and drive. Dad would buy anything that I sold, from lemonade to cookies to calendars to kittens to Avon get the drift. Thanks Dad for the encouragement. Happy Father' Day to all you Dad's and to those who have stepped into the role when needed.
Did you knowOne of the largest trends in family business is the amount of women who are taking over their family firms. In the past, succession was reserved for the first born son, then it moved on to any male heir. Now, women account for approx. 11-12% of all family firm leaders, an increase of close to 40% since 1996. Daughters are now considered to be one of the most underutilized resources in family businesses. To encourage the next generation of women to be valuable members of the business, potential female successors should be nurtured by assimilation into the family firm, mentoring, sharing of important tacit knowledge and having positive role models within the business (Alderson, 2011).
Who knows your daughter may be the next "Bill Gates"


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