Monday, June 25, 2012

Did you know  know Mistakes..can be GOOD for your business..   What? You say?  Mistakes cause problems, costs money, make my customers mad and create  problems for me.  

Yes that is true..but hear me out.   Look at a baby.   Babies are marvelous balls of energy, enthusiasm and curiosity.  They are willing to try anything…sometimes to their parent’s consternation…but they don’t stop... when they fall down and topple over…they just pull themselves up and do it again till they are standing there proud as can be.  
 Owning a business is like raising a baby…there will be hard knocks  from the "falling down mistakes"…and like the baby you will learn and pick yourself up and go at it again...until you do it perfectly.!

Enjoy the day and appreciate the “mistakes” adventures in your life.

PS. I will be sharing some of the mistakes I have made, learned from and kept on going . Stay tuned and be prepared to be shocked, amused and mystified. How could she have done that ?  

Hopefully you will learn from my mistakes and not  repeat  them. 

Look for my upcoming book " 52 Dangerous Mistakes Business Owners Make" will make you laugh, sigh with relief and say oh _________I am NOT going to do that!

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