Tuesday, November 17, 2015


  SCAM ALERT! Small  Biz Owners  


 Usually I am not on the side of the IRS...but this is one time that I am on their side.  
On Monday, November 17 at 12:28 pm I was contacted by a telephone solicitor who left a message saying they were the IRS and that they we trying to reach me for several months and because of non-payment I was going to be sued. I was to call this number back with my case file # to prevent this immediate action. 

 At first I was terrified the IRS...OMG...then I thought call your accountant...and I did.  This call brought  instant relief!   My accountant shared with me that the IRS does not call people and say the are immediately suing you and repossessing everything you have.  There is a due process the IRS  must follow and if you as a busienss owner or individual and  receive a call like this...immediately hang up and report them.   There are major scams being attempted on people and many people have fallen for these  threatening and deceiving tactics.  IF YOU RECEIVE ANY PHONE CALLS like this...immediately hang up and report it to the IRS PHONE SCAM line 1-800-366-4984. 

Besides our own homegrown crooks...many of these scam rooms are run by overseas organizations that use the money obtained from frightened people to finance illegal operation from drugs to guns to worse.

 Be alert...warn your staff, employees and family.  And put pressure on law officials and the phone companies to stop this kind of harassing and frightening criminal actions.  It is estimated that these kind of tactics costs Americans up to $40 billion dollars a year.


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Empress of Biz... The WRONG way to sell...or do NOT talk down


Treat your potential client with respect and NEVER talk down to her.  

 Today I had some "guru" trying to sell me his services by  telling me how much his  firm can help me accomplish my dreams.... and all I have to do is pay him  thousand$ of dollar$ to get his  much needed help...since it was so obvious I needed his help.  Then I would achieve the success I desired and obviously not getting.

Am I upset?  You bet I am.  Did he do his homework?  NOPE! Has he permanently irritated me?  YEP!   The obnoxious sale approach ...."I have done so much and "Little You" could profit from my "advice" was way off base and downright rude.   I do not mind paying for great advice. ( I pay my lawyer and accountant all the time). But guys and gals do not patronize or belittle  the prospect... especially BEFORE you try to sell them. 

 BTW this is what "little old me" has  have accomplished over the years without his help:

1. Been in business successfully for over 35 years.  
2. Have raised over 42 million dollars in loans/equity etc for small businesses. 
3. In the process of raising many more millions of dollar for a large project in South Dakota. 
4. Written 3 books.  One "The Gift of Holiday" an award winning  children's book. 
 5. Have survived two businesses getting into serious trouble and paid off my many thousands of dollars of debt without declaring bankruptcy...and YES it did hurt. 
6. Have co-developed software Price it Perfect (TM)that has been sold nationally.  I am now  in the process of working with another developer to move the PIP to a cloud application.  
7. My clients have received national recognition from the SBA as Small Business of the Year, Journalist of the Year, Veteran of the Year, Athena Award Winner, Stevie Awards and etc. I wrote the nomination package for them and for many other award winning business owners.  
8. Have developed my own podcast...the Empress of Biz, Listen, Learn, Prosper  with a growing national and international audience. 
9.Serve on loan boards for over 6 years and have contracts with several government agencies for my cost analysis abilities
10. Have been recognized by the SBA, the state of Pennsylvania for advocacy for women and small business owners. 
11.Have helped established the Pennsylvania Women's Hall of Achievement and currently serve as President.
12. I am a national site reviewer for the National Women Business Owners Corporation.
13. Past President 5 times of the Greater Pittsburgh Chapter of NAWBO.
14. Have served on the National  Nominating Committee and Board for NAWBO 
15. I have learned many painful lessons along the way and I am willing to share them without charging exorbitant fees .
 Moral of the Story... Know your prospect, do not insult them and most of all treat your prospect with RESPECT.  
BTW...if you want to build your business and want clear, direct, non-critical advice and BE TREATED WITH RESPECT ...give me a call at 412-440-6969.

May all have a profitable and productive day...and please treat one another with courtesy and respect.
JoAnn R. Forrester
Empress of Biz, Listen, Learn, Prosper

Thursday, May 28, 2015

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Live & Recorded Episodes:

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Live & Recorded Episodes:

Exciting happenings are occurring in Charleroi, Pa and on the Empress of biz we have the guests to tell you what it is all about! The town of Charleroi is the site of a launch of a pilot program, Sustainable Marketplace for Arts, Artisans, and Recreation and Trending businesses. SMAART. 
Small towns are not only wonderful places to visit they are great places to be in business. One of the innovative efforts of STAART is a Business Plan Contest with a series of seminars to help small business obtain the information they need to build a thriving company. The program will be launched at the Charleroi Borough Building on June 9, 2015 a visit from the SBA Administrator Region III Administrator, Natalia Olsen-Urtecho.
The Empress of biz will be interviewing the SBA Region III Administrator, Natalia Olsoen-Urtecho on the SBA efforts to promote the growth of small business through their Encore program and support of the STAART program. 
Additional guests are, Don Henderson, Borough Manager of Charleroi will be discussing the goals of STAART and Donna Holdorf, Executive Director of the National Road Heritage Corrido will be sharing about the STAART Business Plan Competition. SBA District Director, Kelly Hunt, will be sharing how the local office will continue to support this innovative effort. This is the kind of program the Empress of Biz loves to bring to you. Information and resources will help your business thrive and prosper. Tune in, Listen, Learn and Prosper. This is an interview you don’t want to miss. 
The SMAART Business Plan Contest will be accepting applications starting August 1, 2015, through 4 p.m. on September 30, 2015

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! -Sales are GREAT...MONEY AIN'T Cash Flow & Growth

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Live & Recorded Episodes:

Your company is growing...sales are great...but at the end of the month...you are SHORT of the GREEN STUFF. Join The Empress of Biz and Dave Wilke, CPA as we discuss strategies and tips to ensure that your company has the capital necessary for growth. Dave Wilke, CPA is well known as a small business accountant and advocate for small busienss. He will be one of the speaker at the 17th annual Entrepreneurs Growth conference, Friday May 15, 2015. Christine Hughes is Training Manager for the Duquense University SBDC and she will be sharing all the news abut the 17th Annual Entrepreneur's Growth Conference,  tune in and Listen,Learn, Prosper with the Empress of  Biz and her wisdom filled guests. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! The Biz Side of Show Business Jessica Lee & Al Levine

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Live & Recorded Episodes:

Show Biz...it is a Business...Not a Hobby!

Join the Empress of Biz, aka, JoAnn R. Forrester,  as we focus on two entrepreneurs who are making an IMPACT ON the entertainment  scene.  Jessica Lee  a charismatic and popular Jazz singer and Allen Levine of Pittsburgh Sportsline.  Both have created a niche in the our area with their unique talents and approach to business. 
Jessica Lee is an amazing songstress who is a welcome performer in
prominent music clubs, both locally and nationally. Jessica’s performances give
voice to the up-lifting energy, power and messages that were the trademarks of
early artists in gospel, blues, jazz and soul Jazz.    
 Allen Levine, The Talking Machine “ has taken
his love and knowledge of sports and has created a platform of Live TV
talkshows with and combined them with appearances at local restaurants  talking sports and bringing a wide variety of  people together talking sports and promoting their various community interests
and charitable causes. 
 As fun as entertainment is….it is a business! And to make it… you have to treat it as a
business…not as a hobby. 
 Join in and Listen, Learn and Prosper as the Empress of Biz interviews two popular “entertainer’s  on the   "Business of Entertainment".

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Live & Recorded Episodes:

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Live & Recorded Episodes:

 March is Women's Her story month and we celebrate that with the 10th Annual Women of Achievement Awards Event held on March 5, 2015 at the Omni William Penn Hotel. One of the 2015 honorees is Eileen Carlins of Cribs for Kids. Cribs for Kids is an example of how women make a positive contribution to the quality of lives. Tune in and Listen and Learn the story of Cribs for Kids, what they do and how their work has made a difference not only locally but nationally and internationally. Listen, Learn and be Inspired.
Chairs of the event, JoAnn R. Forrester and Bonnie DiCarlo will be hosts of this session Celebrating and Sharing the achievements of women during  March...Women's Herstory Month. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! -Special edition...Update on Kiva fund and Women of Achievement

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Live &; Recorded Episodes:

EMPRESS OF BIZ!  Funding your business  with the  Kiva Loan fund and The Women of Achievement Awards, March 5, 2015

Episode Notes: So much going on that we have to double the time to get it all in on the Empress of Biz.
 Our first guests are Emily Keebler of Kiva and Latoya Jackson Rainey talking about the the Kiva Fund and how it fuels  busienss growth.
 Second Sgement on the  Empress of biz with my  special  co-host Bonnie DiCarlo, co-founder of Celebrate & Share , we will be interviewing Anna Marie Gire of the Women's Independent Press and the Women's Yellow Pages on her being selected as a 2015 Women of Achievement Honoree.
 Take the time to listen, learn and be inspired by these amazing women and all they are accomplishing.
Listen, Learn and Prosper with the Empress of Biz!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - 12 Common ^ Dangerous Mistakes Biz Owners Make

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Live & Recorded Episodes:

Before you jump into the entrepreneurial pool...The Empress of Biz will be talking about information you absolutely need to know. The 12 COMMON  & DANGEROUS MYTHS about Starting, Growing and Financing your Business AT 9AM today.  Can't listen now...you can always download later!

The ideal situation--or fairy tales do come true. You want to start a business-- you know you have the perfect idea--as soon as open your doors --customers will flock in buying everything off the shelves--and banks and investors will be fighting one another to give you money. The fact is 90% of small business closes their door within ten years. Many business owners could of avoided disappointment, failure or bankruptcy, IF they would have done realistic planning, thinking and financing as their business grew. We are sharing with you our list of the twelve common fantasies small business owners tell themselves about their business. Listen, Learn, Prosper with the Empress of Biz.