Thursday, February 5, 2015

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - 12 Common ^ Dangerous Mistakes Biz Owners Make

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Live & Recorded Episodes:

Before you jump into the entrepreneurial pool...The Empress of Biz will be talking about information you absolutely need to know. The 12 COMMON  & DANGEROUS MYTHS about Starting, Growing and Financing your Business AT 9AM today.  Can't listen can always download later!

The ideal situation--or fairy tales do come true. You want to start a business-- you know you have the perfect idea--as soon as open your doors --customers will flock in buying everything off the shelves--and banks and investors will be fighting one another to give you money. The fact is 90% of small business closes their door within ten years. Many business owners could of avoided disappointment, failure or bankruptcy, IF they would have done realistic planning, thinking and financing as their business grew. We are sharing with you our list of the twelve common fantasies small business owners tell themselves about their business. Listen, Learn, Prosper with the Empress of Biz.

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