Sunday, January 12, 2014

Empress of Biz, Biz Tips. Sunday Morning Reflection: The Risk NOT to take

Sunday Morning Reflection:

Sunday Morning Reflection. In owning your own business there are calculated risks that you take. You do it because you have the confidence, courage and that inner drive that propels you. Sometimes you win...sometimes you loose. But there are times that your risk taking is not good. And one of those times is how we are protecting our families and business.

 This week I lost a business friend...only 61.  His family, employees, customers and business associates are still in shock. This is going to be a tough one for the family and the business.  It is a fifth generation business which looks like it is not going to make it.   No pre-planning...inadequate insurance and no one in sight who wants to take it over.  Most likely the assets will be sold for pennies of the dollar.    

Folks ...if you own a business please make sure your family and business is protected. I know money does not replace the one you love...but leaving things unprotected with little resources to take care of it...makes it so much harder to live thru. Please do some pre-planning to ...its the kindest and caring thing you can do.

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