Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Empress of Biz, Biz Tips. Stuck? Diminishing Returns?

Wednesday Biz TiP:  
Is your business growth stuck because you are doing the same thing over and over and over again?  We often stick to the routine because it gets some results...and it takes a while to realize we are in a cycle of diminishing returns for your money. 
Take some time and look at what you are doing to promote your it worth the time, effort and money invested? 
Below are some ways to look at what you are doing? 
1.  Are you using the same ads over and over again?
2.  What about your vendors...same ones?  Are they giving you good service or bad? 
3.  What about your costs for supplies?  Going up and no increased value?
4.   Does the name of your business accurately reflect  what you do?
5.  What about your office?  Welcoming? Stodgy? Fresh Looking?
6.   What is the age of your customers?  Growing older and NO younger ones coming in?
7.  Website...same old some old...or do you keep it fresh?
8. are they greeting your customers?  Like friends or enemies?
9.  Is the Coffee fresh?
10. When is the last time you got a compliment from customers for doing something extra in the business?
There are a lot more items I can add...but what  is most  important you and your perspective.  Make sure you  periodically review your business and ask yourself  "Do I want to be my own customer?"
Want some more ideas...give us a call at 412-440-6969...We love sharing ideas to help you grow!

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