Thursday, February 7, 2013

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Biz Tip, Women of Achievement Bonnie DiCarlo, Judy Bannon JoAnn R. Forrester

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Reinvent in Rugged Times - Live & Recorded Episodes:
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Special Edition of Empress of biz: Judy Bannon Executive Director of Cribs for Kids, Bonnie Di Carlo and share about the upcoming 8th Annual  Women of Achievement Awards Dinner. 
The background and founding of the dinner...The 2013 Honorees, and why it is so important to recognize the achievements of the Greater Pittsburgh area.  

Welcome to the first in a series of programs dedicated to those women who have been recognized as Women of Achievement.  These are women who by their outstanding efforts and unselfish acts, in business, in politics, in their professions, in government, non-profit and community activities have made our area some place special to live.  Our Women of Achievement are those who daily juggle myriad roles and responsibilities of family, work and community.  They are women who are accomplished, they are concerned about others, often opening doors where none were open before and doing  it with grace and dignity. 
The Women of Achievement Award was founded in 2006 by Celebrate  & Share.  Celebrate & Share is  an organization founded by Bonnie DiCarlo and JoAnn R. Forrester in 2002,  which features the achievement of women, and raises funds for organizations which focus on the needs of women and children in the  community.
The Women of Achievement Awards was established in March, in 2006  during women’s History Month to honor the women of Greater Pittsburgh who contribute  to our community and to establish the foundation of a Women’s Hall of  Achievement. 

Our charity of choice is Cribs for Kids, a not for profit organization led by Executive Director, Judy Bannon.
Today the three of us, Bonnie Di Carlo of Celebrate & Share and Executive Director of Cribs for Kids…Judy
Bannon and myself JoAnn Forrester, host of the Empress of Biz  will be talking  about our respective organizations and roles how and  we came together to launch such a great endeavor.  This is our 8th year celebrating the Women of Achievement Awards and the first of many shows  highlighting the women of Pittsburgh  and their accomplishments.
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