Saturday, July 14, 2012

Weekend Biz Tip: Know yourself plus minuses

Weekend Biz thought: I am fortunate I love what I do. My business allows me to stretch myself in all kinds of ways. Sometimes my stretch to do something new..does not work. Then I have to re-group and figure out what I did wrong. Somethings I just cannot do something as well as I would like or just do not have the talent for it, or absolutely HATE it.

But I learn from my efforts. I now know what needs to be done by others and do not waste my time trying to do the impossible. 
Knowing your limits and getting good people to do what you cannot or do not want to do is a valuable lesson.

Take some time to review you.
a.  What is it that  you like to do?
b.  What are your strengths? 
c.  What you do NOT like?
d.  What can you give up? 
e.  Or pay others to do

Doing the above may give you a great deal more enjoyment in your business or profession and greatly improve your attitude.

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