Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday Biz Tip. Grandma makes the difference

Wednesday Biz Tip:  What's the difference between you and your most successful competitor?  Instead of muttering about how "lucky they are", why don't you compare your business to yours?  They are doing something right and its up to you to find out what it is  and modify it to your use.
Example.  One of my clients wanted to know why his competition was doing so well. He had a competitor who had twice the sales and a smaller shop. When I surveyed the competitor we find out---  it was customer service and the way he had decided to handled phone calls.  All calls were answered promptly and pleasantly.  He had hired a retired worker to do the paper work and answer the phone.  That "customer relations move" had doubled his sales within six months.
The littlest things can make the difference.. And oh yeah..guest whose grandmother was put to work.  She's happy, the customers are happy and so are the employees..bakes the best brownies in the world.

If you would like more suggestion on how to boost your business   shoot me an e-mail or give me a call at 42-440-6969.

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