Thursday, February 11, 2010

EmpressofBiz Show Sanna Carapellotti Hpyno-Therapist Golden Fork,Hypno Dining

You are ..How you eat...unfortunatley HOW you eat does not always make the best you. We eat for for two major reasons. One because we have to stay alive. Two. we eat for emotional reasons, such as the good feeling we get when we are socializing with friends, and then we eat when we are bored, stressed, rushed, overwhelmed, cranky, name it. Our lifestyle of fast food, fast eating and gulping everything in sight is creating an epidemic of obesity. We all know that. But what do we do to stop i?. Sanna Carapellotti, MS, CHt is a Hypno-Therapist who excels in helping people live and perform at their best level. Sanna is introducing a new program The Golden Fork -Hypno-Dinning. She has developed a series of techniquest that will restore the pleasure in eating without adding guilt and calories. Learning to eat slowly and joyfully is what her program and this episode of the Empress of Biz is all about. Sanna will offer her Golden Fork program on Tuesday a from 7 to 9:30 pm on Tuesday February 23at the James Street Center located at 327 S. Main Street in the West end of Pgh. To find out more/Rsvp give her a call at 412-344-2272 or visit her webiste at
Special Offer to Empress of Biz listeners. When you register you can bring a friend, spouse, neigbor, colleague for 50% off. Save money and learn to eat in a balanced manner.

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