Sunday, August 16, 2009

Empress of Biz Show Notes 8-13-2009, Greg Panza, Program Manager Mt. Washington Community Development Corporation

Show Notes;
Welcome to the Empress of Biz—Re-inventing Yourself in Rugged times.
Contact info: JoAnn R. Forrester, The Empress of Biz
Phone: 412-440-6969 and E-mail:
Guest Information: Greg Panza, Program Manager at the Mt Washington Community CDC
Phone: 412-481-3220 ext 203

Empress of Biz Talks to Greg Panza of the Mt. Washington CDC.
Partnerships between businesses and government are vital in restoring and revitalizing and enhancing a neighborhood business District. As a board member of the Urban Redevelopment Authority Business Loan Review Board I can how the combination of public and private resources can dramatically help businesses grow and neighborhoods flourish. This morning guest, Greg Panza, program manager of the Mount Washington Community Development Corporation an agency that serves the Mt. Washington and Duquense Highest communities.

One of the assets of Mt Washington is Grandview Avenue. It is a street known by many people locally, nationally, and internationally due to its speculator view of Pittsburgh. Over a million people a year come to MT. Washington to view the city. Grandview is high up on a bluff looking over the city where you can see a majestic view that goes for miles. I have a special place in my heart for Mt Washington. My father and his brothers were raised there. And as a little girl I spent many vacation and holiday days at my Grandmothers. My favorite pastime was riding the incline…going up and down, up and down, the conductors knew me by name. Once I rode it 11 times. I have many fond memories of the area. But lets talk about today and what it happening now to expand and revitalize the area.

Good morning Greg and welcome to the Empress of Biz. One of the interesting things about Greg is his profession he has traveled extensively nationally and internationally. After touring the world he decided to come back “Home” and be part of our continuing Renaissance
Greg Panza
Program Manager
412-657-3375ext. 203
Greg Panza, MWCDC Program Manager, brings over 15 years of experience in the architectural and design industry. After receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Design from La Roche College, he played a critical role on the design team at the Design Alliance, for the ALCOA Corporation’s award winning headquarters on the North Shore.
Greg honed his skills as Project Manager for Desert Viking Builders in Phoenix, Arizona, which specialized in the revitalization of historic properties in neighborhood business districts.
Since 2005, Greg’s primary role at the MWCDC has been the management of the Main Street Program, which has achieved exceptional results for this community.

For a fantastic view of the city go the home page of the Mt. Washington CDC at Website
Mt Washington CDC
Mission & Vision
Our mission is to balance area development, highlight the area's unique natural and historic features, and enhance the well-being of the people who live, work and visit here.
Our shared vision is Mount Washington/Duquesne Heights as someplace unique and attractively natural; a diverse and neighborly community that is a comfort to live in; a lush, verdant showcase for land preservation, smart development and features seen nowhere else in the world.

Projects & Programs
Business Development
MWCDC’s business district development efforts have primarily been focused on the low to moderate census tract serving business district segments of Shiloh Street, Virginia Avenue, Southern Avenue, Boggs Avenue and Bailey Avenue. These efforts are funded as one of 12 neighborhoods in the City of Pittsburgh by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) of Pittsburgh’s Mainstreets Pittsburgh Program. This program was developed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation as a way to revitalize traditional business districts across the country that experienced a decline in the late 20th century with the rise of suburban shopping centers, and big box retailers. It is based on the four points of Organization, Design, Promotion and Economic Restructuring. The Main Street program, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is managed by the Pennsylvania Downtown Center which is funded by the PA Department of Community and Economic Development. The MWCDC works closely together with these entities and the URA to ensure the success of Mount Washington’s Main Street Program.
Since the MWCDC Main Street Program was awarded funding in 2006, there has been over $2 million re-invested into Mount Washington’s Main Street area. This figure includes the renovation of a dozen storefronts, the opening of 13 new businesses, the creation of over 30 jobs, and multiple public space improvement projects.
For further information on locating your business to Mt. Washington give Greg Panza a call at 412-481-3220 extension 203.

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