Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Empressofbiz guest Stephen Wilson, Writer Using your talents to help those in need.

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Live & Recorded Episodes:v

When tragedies and disasters happen we all feel  the urge to help.  Some can go  in person and serve on scene  and the rest of us send money to help.  And yet the urge to send more than money remains.  One group, ' Indies in Action"founded by Stephen Wilson, consisting of  artists, writers, poets  etc  have banded together to   create  books to give a voice to those in distress and sorrow and to  to raise money.   Join me as I interview Stephen L. Wilson writer and the founder of "Indies in Action"  as we learn how his group works and how we can help.  ...  Their latest efforts focuses on the  May of 2013 storms and tornadoes ripped through the midwestern United States leaving destruction and desolation in many areas. One of the hardest hit states was Oklahoma. "Twist of Fate" is an anthology of writing, poetry, prose, and artwork from contributors around the world, better known as the group Indies In Action.....
100 % of the proceeds from the sale of the book "Twist of Fate" will go to benefit tornado victims in Oklahoma through the May Tornadoes Fund, administered by the United Way.

Join in on Thursday June 27 at 11am EST .  If you cannot listen can listen later.

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