I am a Pittsburgh Steeler fan, and have been rejoicing that we beat the New York Jets and we are off to a 7th Superbowl. This team is like the city it thrives on adversity. Tell us we cannot do it...tell us the odds are against us ..we are the under dog..and we are going to find a way to beat the odds.
Small business people are like the Pittsburgh Steelers, we thrive on the odds being against us. We usually start with the cards stack against us..do not have the 'franchise player's.. or the huge contracts and vast cash reserves...yet somehow we survive and make it flourish. The past couple years have been difficult and many business have not made it, including some very big ones. Lessons have been learned and it is time to use those lessons to build a stronger business and future.
One of my most resilient clients, a woman owned contracting company, besides the lesson of managing money, the most important thing is managing employees. Her employees made all the difference in her business. They have looked for ways to constantly improve the company, be competitive and cost efficient. Her next challenge will be to reward the employees appropriately. We are working with her on establish a bonus plan based on her break even point and the growth of income in the business.
The recovery is here... slow... but it is here. Start thinking of what you have learned, write it down, share with colleagues and employees. Then work on the growth strategy of how you are going to build your "new business" in the new economy.
Tip of the day: Take an inventory of the business..not just counting things..but put down all the information pertaining to your business in one place and have back up copies off site.
For a business review check list give us a call at 412-440-6969
Make it a positive day folks and go Steelers!
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