Monday, September 30, 2013

Empressofbiz, Biz Tip's Last quarter...are you ready for it?

Monday Biz tiP  It's the last quarter of the year folks. What is your action plan to end up in the green? 
1. What is your goal for the the last quarter?
2. What is your goal for the week?
3. What do you have to do TODAY to reach your goal?

We all can finish strong if we have actions steps  to take  every day.

You can do it if:
1.  Taking the time to write your goal down and post it where you will see it frequently.
2.  Then write down all the steps you have to take to accomplish your goals
    a.  Who do you need to talk to.
    b.   What resources do you need?
    c.  What obstacles could...notice I say... could get in your way?
    d.  What will you have to overcome the obstacles?
   e.  Who can help you accomplish what you want?
   f.  What steps need to be taken this week to get you closer to your goal?

We can accomplish much when we take the time to review what is needed and dedicate time to accomplish the steps EACH week that will get us there!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - doing business in Africa

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper! - Live & Recorded Episodes:
Doing business overseas is one way to grow your business. A trade delegation from Pittsburgh went to Nigera in Africia to find out how. Special guests are Rufus Idris, Executive director of CEED and Diane Daniels of DID & Associates who were on a trade mission from August 17 to August 13, 2013. Listen, Learn and Prosper with the Empress of biz as we look at the opportunities for you in Africa.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Empressofbiz, Biz Tips 7 Steps BEFORE you WRITE Your Business Plan

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Listen! Learn! Prosper!, JoAnn Forrester

EMPRESS OF BIZ! Dreaming of Business? Action Steps to take

Dreaming of starting your own business? Stop dreaming and take your FIRST STEP. Today in Part I, I discuss what it times to start, plan and move to the ACTION line.....We will review what you do BEFORE you write your business plan.... Skip these first steps and you may have ...


    1. Assessment... the big why.   What’s driving you?  What is your motivation…What do you want to accomplish?  Freedom? Independence?  Wealth? Comfortable Living?  Innovation? Security? Creativity? Status?  Time Structure? Family own enterprise?  Micro to mega size business? Social Enterprise?   Stability of income.   Full or part time? Seasonal?

22.    Personal Skills, Aptitude, Attitude and Personality   Loner to Social Queen?  Patience? Endurance?   How long are you willing to work for success >
Criticism…can you take it?  Ego…confident?…Shy? Overbearing? Super charged?   Balanced?  Patience? Endurance?   How long are you willing to work for success?  Criticism…can you take it?  Ego…confident…shy? Overbearing? Super charged?  Balanced?
If you do not know…ask someone who is not your biggest fan.

33.    Human Skills?  People? Do you like people? Do you like to manage and motivate people? How many people  have you managed?  Good listener? Or you the one who likes to talk all the time?   What about conflict?  How do you handle it ? What are your strengths and weaknesses around people.

44.   RISK:   What is your feeling about risk? Is Security a big thing ?  Is a good paying job your biggest dream?  Are you starting your business because you have to?  What is your tolerance for financial risk? Will others be sharing your risk?  How do they react to risk? What about the people in your life…who is  for it? Who is not?  Will they help? Hinder?  Money? Are they willing for you to risk your money? Their money? 
Money talks..have you had them?

55.   Health!  Yes health…what is your physical, emotional and mental status.    Good shape? Not so hot?  Energy Level? What will you do to compensate for problems?

66.    What is your preparation?  Resources? What do you bring to your dream of owning your own business? Skills?   Personal Experience?  Training?    MONEY!

77/    What are you willing to do to accomplish your dream?  MONEY.. HOW MUCH?  EFFORT HOW LONG ARE YOU WILLING TO WORK, ENERGY…what do you have and willing to give.  And TIME…how much  are you will to dedicate? 

2013 copyright 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

EmpressofBiz, Biz Tips Sunday Morning Reflection:

Freedom and Responsibility in Business

Sunday Morning Reflection: 
Owning your own business is an opportunity for freedom. The freedom to build your create your own way. With that freedom comes responsibility. You are responsible for the results and for meeting obligations that your business creates. Freedom and responsibility give you a chance to grow personally. Enjoy the trip and make the most of both folks.